
State Representative Cassandra Levesque – The Official Website.

A member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, elected as a Democrat for Barrington in the Strafford 4 district since 2018.

Do you want to donate to my campaign? Click the button!

Remember to vote:

State Primary Election – September 10, 2024     

State General Election – November 5, 2024

The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a Democracy.

– Rep. John Lewis

2022 Endorsements

Our vision is to make New Hampshire a fair and just place to live and work. With our partners, we aim to:

Improve the working conditions and well-being of all NH citizens; leaving no one behind
Protect and promote our members’ right to live and retire with dignity
Negotiate robust worker-friendly contracts which empower our members to thrive
Grow our membership to strengthen our collective power at worksites, in elections, and at the Legislature

It is my honor to be endorsed by SEA/SEIU LOCAL 1984.

The New Hampshire AFL-CIO is a diverse social justice organization that is committed to the dignity of all and united in the struggle to improve the lives of working families and our communities. I am honored to have their endorsement! #UNIONSTRONG

Founded in 1854, the New Hampshire State Teachers Association became one of the “founding ten” state education associations that formed the National Education Association in 1857.

Known today as NEA-NH, and comprised of more than 17,000 members, our mission to advocate for the children of New Hampshire and public school employees and to promote lifelong learning remains true after more than 150 years. Our members are public school educators in all stages of their careers, including classroom teachers and other certified professionals, instructors at public higher education institutions, students preparing for a teaching career, education support personnel and those retired from the profession.

NEA-NH Mission:
To advocate for education professionals and unite our members and the nation to fulfill the promise of public education, to break down the barriers to racial equity, and to prepare every student to succeed in a diverse and interdependent world.

Our vision is to make New Hampshire a fair and just place to live and work. With our partners, we aim to:

Improve the working conditions and well-being of all NH citizens; leaving no one behind
Protect and promote our members’ right to live and retire with dignity
Negotiate robust worker-friendly contracts which empower our members to thrive
Grow our membership to strengthen our collective power at worksites, in elections, and at the Legislature

I sit now, and a gentle smile spreads across my face. As the Granddaughter of people who did not get to finish their education, I am so humbled and proud to have the endorsement of NEA-NH. I will continue to work on behalf of our public schools, our teachers, our paraprofessionals, and our students. Thank you.

“We need a political revolution of millions of people in this country who are prepared to stand up and say, ‘enough is enough’.
– Sen. Bernie Sanders

The Political Revolution is a group of volunteers that grew out of the Bernie Sanders campaign. We’re an organization focused on digital campaigning and connecting progressives across the nation. Our goal is to support progressive candidates and ballot initiatives on a state-by-state basis and to amplify the message of other like-minded organizations and campaigns.
The Political Revolution operates as a portal for candidates to introduce themselves to a national community of grassroots activists. This outreach means that even local races can have access to the same progressive base that helped Senator Sanders gain online popularity and support.
I am honored to be one of the four NH Candidates they have endorsed!

I am thrilled to have Progressive Turnout Project’s support in this election! Protecting access to the ballot is a key component of protecting our democracy. My campaign is committed to fighting for the expansion of voting rights for all in New Hampshire!

EMILY’s List’s vision is to be a driving force of change in America. By electing more Democratic pro-choice women to national, state and local office, EMILY’s List will consistently infuse our government with leaders who will drive change. Change that truly matters today, tomorrow and forever.

“…EMILY’s List isn’t just about funding elections to get women elected. Our focus is on putting the right Democratic pro-choice women into office who will balance the face of the government, and make decisions that really improve societies across the country…”

  • Stephanie Schriock, President

We are building a movement of young people to transform our political system so it serves; and is led by; the people it has left behind. We’ve watched the political and economic elite abuse their power to serve themselves and perpetuate systems of oppression that divide us based on our race, the money in our pockets, where we live, who we love, and who we are.

We struggle to pay our bills and protect our communities from the crises they create, while corrupt politicians get rich and fuel the fire. They keep our wages low and the cost of education, housing, and medical care high. They turn a blind eye to the climate crisis to count their profits while fires rage and floods rise. Their actions hit marginalized communities the hardest, and that’s no coincidence. Through all this chaos and destruction, they had the audacity to tell us our struggles were a result of our choices and our work ethic.

Now, more and more people are waking up to the fact that their hardship results from a rigged system. So, we are bringing people across the state together by supporting our communities through ongoing crises, unlearning oppressive mindsets, and confronting systems that divide us. Together we are fighting to win collective liberation by reclaiming our government and ensuring all of our basic needs are met with dignity.

Service to our community

Constituent Services

Do you need help with a situation you are facing? Need help connecting to a state agency? Let’s talk, I can help connect you to the people you need to be in contact with.

Would you like to testify on legislation before the New Hampshire House of Representatives but you are unable to attend the public hearing? I can help you get in touch with the committee and the sponsors of your chosen legislation.

Would you like to know what local services are available to you? Do you need assistance and don’t know where to turn? I can help.

Letters of recommendation

Preparing for college can feel like a daunting experience. Slow down and breathe deeply because you can do this!

If you need a letter of recommendation for a college application and live inside district 04 – Barrington, I would be happy to consider writing you a letter. I limit myself to one per month – if you would like to be considered, email me a 2-page essay about the importance of women or minorities in Government or about the history of New Hampshire as well as a 1-page biography of yourself which includes your approximate GPA, your plans for the future and something you are passionate about. If your essay is selected, I will prepare you a one-page letter of recommendation (addressed to the college of your choice, or “To Whom It May Concern”) signed and printed on official letterhead.

About This Site

The administrative costs of this site have been paid for by CassandraLevesque 4NH- Patricia Levesque Fiscal Agent. Cassie does her own web design

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